
Food and nutrition is a crucial part of child development. At Sugar n’ Spice we prioritise local fresh produce from Arbour Farm as part of our key ingredients and make homemade cakes, biscuits and sauces.

Below are some examples of our menus that differ for each season.

Breakfast Examples- Porridge with Raisins, Crumpet with Spread or Weetabix and Fruit.

Lunch Examples- Mixed Bean and Root Vegetable HotPot with Couscous followed by Homemade Apple Crumble and custard.

Carrots and Cucumber Sticks followed by Turkey Korma with Rice and Naan Bread.

Tea Examples- Macaroni Cheese Pasta Followed by Homemade Cakes.

Cheese Oatcakes Followed by Homemade Biscuits.